I ran across this headline from Reuters today, Clinton faces Kenya cattle fine over Obama photo An excerpt from the article
Wajir elders resolved to file an official complaint with the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi, dropping earlier plans to hold a protest after Friday prayers.
They said they would also convene a traditional Somali court to investigate the matter. It can impose fines that are payable in cattle, goats or camels.
"We will go ahead with this case whether Senator Clinton or Democratic party leaders turn up or not," said Mohamed Ibrahim, a member of the clan that hosted Obama during his trip. "But this whole thing can be avoided if only an apology is made."
In addition to to Wajir elders, Hillary also has a group of Somali immigrants in Minnesota who are upset.
Omar Jamal is head of the St Paul, Minnesota-based Somali Justice Advocacy Centre.
His lobby group, which works with Somali immigrants in the United States, has also demanded an apology from Clinton's camp.
"They are trying to make a link between a man who could be the next U.S. president and a country with al Qaeda terrorist activities. They're trying to tell citizens, look who you might be voting for," he told Reuters by telephone.
I just don't know quite to say about Hillary's problems here. I just have questions. Are these people going to get Hillary's goat? Is Hillary going to have a cow over making things right?
Maybe it is just me, but this flare up strikes me as something very similar to the Danish cartoon flap. The idea that a free press can publish an image that offends because they are a free press is a concept some cannot grasp. Perhaps this is because they have never lived in freedom. They just don't understand how it is possible to both be offended and defend the free speech rights of those who offend them.
As for the accusations of Minnesota based Omar Jamal about all I can say is HUH? The Clinton campaign is not trying to make a link between a man who could be the next US President and a country with al Qaeda terrorist activities. Any links that exist are there because of the decisions and choices that Sen. Barack Obama has made. The Hillary campaign did not tell Obama to travel to that village and get photographed in the Somali garb. The Hillary campaign did not tell Obama to travel to Kenya to campaign for the guy running for President there who had the support of the Kenya muslims because he promised them that if elected he would impose sharia law and madrassa schools. Obama makes the links himself not the Hillary campaign.
Now the part about them trying to tell citizens look who you might be voting for, he is absolutely correct.
The next President of the United States will be a War President.
Choose wisely, because your life does depend on it.
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