Friday, November 23, 2007

A Bill Clinton Appointee I Admire and Respect

I came across an article written by Margaret Talev of McClatchy Newspapers recently that reports about Marie and her life since 1978. a snippet:
The movie and TV roles that followed brought him wealth, connected him to interesting people, boosted his law and lobbying practice and helped him win election to the Senate. All that paved his run for president.

Ragghianti's path was less glamorous. Still, the mother of three, who'd escaped an abusive marriage, was able to put her life back together, raise her children and work toward things she considered important.

She did some research and consulting, wrote articles for Parade magazine and other publications, earned two master's degrees and, as a lifelong Democrat, served in the Clinton administration as the chief of staff and vice chairwoman of the U.S. Parole Commission.

She set her sights on a Ph.D. nearly 20 years ago, dividing her time between the Washington, D.C., area and Georgia, where she has family. This month, she moved to northern Virginia and took a job with the Center for Substance Abuse Research at the University of Maryland.

All the while, Ragghianti said, Thompson has remained a constant in her life. They talk every few months and, despite her party affiliation, she's supporting his bid for the presidency.

After Thompson remarried, Ragghianti gave his second wife, Jeri, her seal of approval: "She dotes on Fred, and I like that about her."

Apparently, the feeling is mutual. "She's an incredible woman," Jeri Thompson said in a telephone interview. "A brave, courageous woman."

Some days it seems easier than others to find people writing about how lazy Fred is or how he can not work hard enough to make any headway. I am sure that Marie would beg to differ with these so-called "expert pundits".

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