Yes, you can buy these at a place called The OBEY Store. Tireless, obedient laborers for the collective, free to propagate their propaganda and make a buck or two on it, too! Is America a great country, or what?
H/T Anchoress
The President may require the opinion, in writing, of the principle officers who superintend the various bureaus and agencies, or other services of the executive department. Such officers shall be required to report to the President any pertinent information he may desire concerning those duties and responsibilities assigned to any office.
It gives the phrase "Madame Secretary" a whole new meaning.
And we have urged Congress to include a proposal for a standing commission of doctors and medical experts to oversee cost-saving measures.
The beginning of the twentieth century saw many prominient and influential leaders losing confidence in the system. These included wealthy industrialists, heads of multinational banking institutions, leaders in the academic world, and some of the innovative minds in the media. The same feverish restlessness was taking hold in similar circles in Europe.
It was true, as it is with all systems, that the free-market economy was in need of some adjustments and fine-tuning, but these leaders were getting ready to throw the entire system over-board. The problems of the day included a number of large-scale strikes, the rise of powerful trusts, the mysterious recurrence of boom and bust cycles, and the rise of a new Populist movement in which certain agriculture and labor groups were demanding that the government get involved in the redistribution of the wealth.
The western world was astonished when the Red Chinese leaders suddenly abolished their bare-subsistence communes and invited the peasants to “get rich’ as private property farmers. Of course the Chinese communists did not dare call their new policy “free-enterprise capitalism.” They called it “enriched Marxism.”
But regardless of the name, if people are allowed economic freedom it will tend to gradually open up the channels for political freedom in the years to come. This is why the the message of freedom - both economic and political - should become America’s greatest export.
Starting today we must begin the work of remaking America
ROSE: Whatever you can do in terms of regulation and legislation will take place during the next three years?
GEITHNER: Yes, within that period of time. Within that period of time. But, again, these things are about preventing the next boom.
My prediction,then? Not a V, not a U. But an X. The X marks a brand new track -- a new economy. What will it look like? Nobody knows. All we know is the current economy can't "recover" because it can't go back to where it was before the crash. So instead of asking when the recovery will start, we should be asking when and how the new economy will begin.
1.Government power is exercised by compulsion, force, conquest, or legislative usurpation.
2. Therefore all power is concentrated in the ruler.
3. The people are treated as “subjects” of the ruler.
4.The land is treated as the “realm” of the ruler.
5. The people have no unalienable rights.
6. Government is by the rule of man rather than the rule of law.
7. The people are structured in social and economic classes.
8. The thrust of government is always from the ruler down, not from the people upward.
9. Problems are always solved by issuing new edicts, creating more bureaus, appointing more administrators, and charging the people more taxes to pay for these “services.” Under this system, taxes and government regulations are always oppressive.
10. Freedom is not considered a solution to anything.
11. The transfer of power from one ruler to another is often by violence - the dagger, the poison cup, or fratricidal civil war.
12. Those in power revel in luxury while the lot of the common people is one of perpetual poverty, excessive taxation, stringent regulations, and a continuous existence of misery.
1. They rejected the entire concept of a monarchy.
2. They rejected the idea of a prime minister selected from the members of Parliament.
3. They rejected the idea of a cabinet selected from among the members of Parliament.
4. They rejected the idea of the members of Parliament serving as the executive administrators of the government in a cabinet.
5. They rejected the idea of parliamentary supremacy in favor of constitutional supremacy.
6. They rejected the British idea of a “living constitution.”
7. They rejected the idea of an upper House of Lords occupied by a body of lifetime aristocrats.
8. They rejected the idea of a unitary republic with all power in the central government.
9. They rejected the idea of the national government having the power to nullify the laws of the local governments.
10. They rejected the power of the executive to dissolve the legislature.
11. They rejected the British coinage system for a decimal system.
When all government, domestic and foreign, in little and in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated.