Matt Barber has written an excellent article at TownHall, The Gods of Liberalism, I recommend that you read it in its entirety. It inspired me to write this blog.
A new Congress with a larger number of Ds will convene in the first week of January, and a new President, Barack Hussein Obama (D) will be sworn into office on January 20th, 2009. This new Congress wants to move quickly with new legislation ready for the new President to sign on day one. Let me list the issues and their Baalist counterpart.
planned parenthood reproductive freedom=Baalist fertility worship
providing funding and clinics for abortions=Baalist child sacrifice via burnt offering
gay rights and comprehensive sex education=Baalist ritualistic promotion, practice, and celebration of both heterosexual and homosexual promiscuity
radical environmentalism for controlling climate change=Baalist pantheistic worship of "mother earth" (reverence of creation over the Creator).
Matt opines
In fact, today's liberalism is largely a sanitized retread of an antiquated mythology – one that significantly predates the only truly progressive movement: biblical Christianity.
Both Obama's social agenda and that of the 111th Congress are rife with unfettered pro-abortion, freedom-chilling, pro-homosexual and power-grabbing environmentalist objectives. The same kind of "hope, action and change," I suppose, that was swallowed up by the Baalist Canaanites of old.
So, today's liberalism is really just a very old book with a shiny new cover. A philosophy rooted in ancient pagan traditions, of which there is naught to be proud.
I agree with this opinion, but I would expand the net to include to include some radical libertarian anarchists who do not want to have any enforcement or laws. Yes I believe in small government, but not anarchy.