Friday, October 05, 2007

Let's Play 'Name that Candidate'

Everybody remembers the game show 'Name that Tune' Well let's play 'Name that Candidate'. The rules are simple. I provide a direct quote from a candidate, as opposed to an interpreted report of what a candidate means according to Media Matters.
You guess which candidate it is and click the answers link. Let's see how knowledgeable you are about what they are saying instead of knowing so much about what others are saying about them.

We don’t merely tolerate diversity, we embrace and celebrate it.

The very, very wealthy would pay no taxes at all, none, under a flat tax. And so I think as people hear the term "Flat tax," they like the idea but then if they hear that some people will pay no taxes at all, the very wealthiest, they've say, ooh, there's got to be something to adjust it.

You have free speech so I can be heard.

I would rather have a clean government than one where quote First Amendment rights are being respected, that has become corrupt. If I had my choice, I'd rather have the clean government.

They want to drive the US out of the Middle East and they want to establish an Islamic Caliphate, or an Islamic dictatorship. If you want to know what a caliphate looks like, look at Afghanistan under the Taliban, or the Sudan today, which is on its 2nd genocide.We must win the war on terrorism. We must see it through. In Iraq, we must see it through.

Our elementary and secondary educational systems need to be restructured. Such restructuring can be achieved by privatizing a major segment of the educational system-by enabling a private, for-profit industry to develop that will provide a wide variety of learning opportunities and offer free competitive choice.

Please let me know how well you can 'Name that Candidate'.

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